Talking About Cleaning Service BenefitsTalking About Cleaning Service Benefits

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Talking About Cleaning Service Benefits

Hello everyone. Welcome to my site. I’m Emmett. I am here to explain the value of hiring cleaning services for your home or office space. Cleaning services can provide you with the support you need to move onto more important tasks in your realm. You may need to devote your time and attention to raising your family, completing work assignments or cultivating your garden space instead of spending all day cleaning. By hiring a cleaning service, you free yourself up for the tasks you want to tackle. I hope you will visit my site to learn about this vital benefit and more. Thanks for visiting.

Do-It-Yourself Floor Cleaners To Clean Different Types Of Floors In Your Home

Floor cleaners are expensive, and some can even be harmful to your children or your pets. What if you could make your own floor cleaners to clean anything from hardwood floors to carpeting using safe-to-use ingredients? The ingredients are things you probably already have in your home. See below for ingredients and instructions for floor cleaners for hardwood, carpet, laminate and tile floors.

1. Hardwood Floor Cleaner


  • 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar
  • 1 gallon warm water
  • 2-3 drops of essential oil (any scent you prefer -- optional)


Test the solution on your floors in a small unnoticeable area first before mopping your entire floor.

  1. Mix the ingredients together in a large bucket. 
  2. Tape a mop and dip it into the solution. Wring out as much of the solution as possible so it is just a bit damp.
  3. Mop your hardwood floors with the solution, work in small sections about three feet at a time. Rinse the area and move to a new spot and repeat.
  4. Be sure not to let water sit in your floors, as you can damage your hardwood. Also change your solution and water often so you aren't just moving around dirty water.

2. Carpet Cleaner


  • 2 cups baking soda
  • 10 drops essential oil (any scent you prefer -- optional)


  1. Sprinkle the baking soda all over your carpeting. If you are using essential oils, you'll need to combine the oil with the baking soda in a jar, mix it thoroughly, and then sprinkle it on your carpet.
  2. Allow the baking soda to sit on your carpet for 10 - 15 minutes, then vacuum it up with your vacuum cleaner. The baking soda will take out any smells from your carpeting, and the essential oil will help to give it a fresh scent.

3. Laminate Cleaner


  • 5 ounces white vinegar
  • 5 ounces rubbing alcohol
  • 5 ounces warm water
  • 10 drops of essential oil (optional)


  1. Combine the ingredients into a bucket. Using a mop, dip it into the solution and wring out as much of the solution as possible.
  2. Mop off your laminate floors working in smaller sections. When your water gets too dirty, make more solution.

If you have a refillable mop, you can pour the solution into the reservoir to use instead of a mop.

4. Tile Cleaner


  • 1/4 cup borax
  • 1 gallon hot water
  • 10 drops essential oil (optional)


  1. Combine all of the ingredients into a bucket.
  2. Mop your floors with a well wrung mop.
  3. Leave the solution to dry on your floors, there is no need to rinse this solution off.

If using essential oils on your floors, citrus and peppermint scents will give a clean and fresh scent without being too overwhelming. Clean your floors using these homemade cleaners and you can feel confident about the ingredients you are using around your pets and children. Always be sure your floors are dry before allowing your children or pets to walk on your floors.

If you do not want to do this on your own, however, consider contacting a professional cleaning company, such as Fresh Start Cleaning.